
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Tassle was Worth the Hassle!

  As I reflect on every meaningful moment of my life, I can't help but relive the day I graduated from university with a Bachelor's degree in the field that interests me most, Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I remember living every moment of the day, enjoying it to its extreme with people who shared this mutual hassle with me, a hassle characterized by hard work, dedication and perseverance with those who I admire the most, my dear friends. Seeing all my classmates in the graduation gown was a gratitude to all of us and the instructors too, because we had all reached the highest rank of the skyscraper after three years of tough work. During the ceremony, my friend looked at me with tears in her eyes and said “Noor! We’re done… I can’t believe it’s all over”.  I held her hand and said “it’s the beginning InshaAllah and I’m sure the best is yet to come to all of us my darling”. It was a day where we took thousands of pictures; pictures of us friends, of us and the instructors and even with the Dean of the school of Education “Dr. Anwar AlKawtharani”. 

The second best part of this day was seeing all my family members actually attend the ceremony, I got a knot in my throat to see my father standing in his suit though of his ill case at that time. I remember hugging him tight and thanking him and Mama for all the support they’ve provided me with. Post to this drama was the dinner and prom party we stayed for. My Canadian cousins were all here for a quick vacation and were part of the prom which was a crazy blast no one would ever forget! 

1 comment:

  1. In everybody's life there are valuable moments and special days that stuck in our memories forever,what is very touching is what you mentioned about your father,it's our parents who create our smiles,they are the real amazing blessings in our lives.


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