
"6 Habits of Great Teachers" ~ Psychology Today

6 Empathy-Building Habits of Great Teachers 

1. Create meaningful relationships with students.

Teachers need to appreciate, and respect students beyond academics help children feel cared for and increase their ability to care for others.

2. Nurture children’s self-efficacy through mentoring.

 According to students, teachers fostered self-efficacy by:
  • Supporting and encouraging
  • Listening
  • Setting high expectations
  • Showing interest in students as individuals
  • Fostering self-decision-making
  • Providing another perspective during problem solving

3. Teach values associated with good citizenship.

 From elementary school through high school, children should evolve through three developmental stages as they take on roles in society: (1) Being responsible citizens; (2) Improving their communities; and (3) Contributing to solve societal problems.  

4. Inspire students to be their best selves.    

Students learn to become their best selves from teachers who exemplified the following traits:
  • Passion and ability to inspire
  • Clear and articulated set of values
  • Commitment to community
  • Selflessness
  • Ability to overcome obstacles in life

5. Expose students to different opinions and worldviews.

When challenged to explore prejudices and find commonalities students would then build a greater capacity for empathy.

6. Link curriculum to real world service activities.

Youth gain the most from service projects that push them out of their emotional comfort zones and allow them to see the world differently. 


Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD(link is external), is the author of Tomorrow’s Change Makers: Reclaiming the Power of Citizenship for a New Generation(link is external). A developmental psychologist and researcher, she works at the intersection of positive youth development and education. 
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