
Educ560 Reflections

Application of Google Drive 

To initiate this reflection, I'd like to reflect on the use of Google Drive. Well I can see how helpful the drive is for my future teaching career in favor of having it store limitless data especially on the cloud. I really approve the fact I can even upload any folder or file to the existing cloud too. The idea of having an advanced feature which permits the receiver of my document either edit my work or just view it based on my authority.

Application of Google Forms

To move further, the use of Google forms was also helpful in  enlightening me to choose styles for assessment. The idea of having different kinds of questions like multiple choices or short answers adds a lot to the form of the assessment. Providing scores adds professionalism to my teaching too.  Answer keys allow me to benefit from such a feature by making the whole test more credible.

Application of the Webinar

The webinar I was part of benefited me in being part of a live chat and get acknowledged about educational findings from the direct source. The one I viewed added to my educational philosophy in terms of incorporating more technology into my classrooms by following "computational thinking".

Application of Blogger

The blog benefited quite well by having me group my personal achievements in a neat and stylish manner. This comes to help me group my teachings and even pictures too as headlines on  my page. The better part is that I can have followers who can have the chance to be part of my audience and benefit from my posts and pages, hopefully.

Application of Padlet 

The padlet is quite impressive as it allows students to comment on a chosen topic in minimal lines enough to sound their voices. The better part is that it has a "rate" feature which allows students to interact with other students based on their comments and rate their work. This encourages pupils to read and be critical enough when it comes to evaluation.
Check out my link :

Application of the Poster

Designing a poster was quite interesting since it made me focus on assembling concepts via using spaces and presenting abstractions in colorful visual presentations. The appropriateness of such an application is learning how to select the headlines of the study and the format of presentation to have the poster speak for itself

Application of Rubistar 

The appropriateness of using Rubistar met the need of assessing students' performances in terms of their own academic activity and their final products in terms of the basic requirements. The best part was having the website provide choices for every title which required minimal editing from my part.
Application of the Webquest

When it comes to reflecting on the designed webquest, I can't help but admit how impressive I found it. The advantage at first is having it include questions, audios, and even websites based on my personal interest. The idea of having students follow their own pace during covering the webquest also helps in be engaged yet productive in practice.


  1. Very Nice! This means you recommend there usage?

    1. yes definitely dear! you won't regret it :)

  2. That's nice!! This is the first time I have heard about webinars. Surely, i will register for one soon.

  3. this course will teach us many new things that will benefit us in our future life as teachers.

  4. it was very beneficial for attending this course. It teaches us many things that we should know as future teachers.


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